Toddler Bag To Keep In Your Car for Emergencies
When Mackenzie was a baby I took her diaper bag EVERYWHERE with me. I was so worried to be out somewhere & not have something I would maybe need. Now that she’s older I feel much more confident about running errands with her & not lugging my diaper bag everywhere. I’m mainly talking about short errands where I know I won’t be out of the house for very long.
I keep a bag in my car for emergencies & it has come in handy when I’m out and need a diaper or change of clothes for Mackenzie.
Below is everything I keep in my car for Mackenzie:
- changing pad
- a few diapers
- wipes
- diaper bags for messy situations
- a multi purpose cover which I like to use on shopping carts
- hat (change out seasonally)
- a few toys- she LOVES this mini etch-a-sketch
- snacks
- change of clothes (change out seasonally or when they grow)
- a pair of socks
- tissues
What do you keep in your car for your toddler? Let me know below.